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December 31, 2020


I pray this note finds you well as this year, 2020 draws to a close.


In many congregations the antiphon, “God is good” is answered with “All the time, God is good.”


In every trial and turmoil, in every context and circumstance, in every persecution and impoverishment, the Christ-follower trusts that the hand of God is working to draw His people to eternal life. What is the basis for this trust? God's Word - in the Bible He reveals this truth! Because the Christian knows and trusts this truth, every hardship can be suffered with an ultimate joy. Because God is good, all the time, we can live in hope and peace. This is the faith found uniquely in the Church that sings Hallelujah… praise God!!


Yes, a pandemic dominated the attention of the world in 2020, yet ACrossMission quietly went about the Father’s work. In more than thirty communities the Word, God’s unique Way and Truth leading to eternal life, was proclaimed. Eight pastors received advanced education with ACM support: one beginning a Bachelor of Theology (BTh) studies, while two others graduated with BTh; five others will graduate in 2021 with Certificates in Theological studies. On Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Canada Day, August 21, Canadian Thanksgiving, December 11, and Christmas  2020 Christian congregations in Mara, Tarime, Rorya and Ukerewe reached into orphanages, hospitals, leprosy camps, and prisons, and, out to the lost and suffering in their communities with food, supplies and clothing. In these evangelical ministries, they shared God’s Word and Love with more than 25,000 of His Children, His beloved. 800 Bibles were requested and gifted in 2020. Partnering with a congregation, ACM acquired land and constructed a small secure home for an impoverished, defenceless, paraplegic woman who had been left to live in squalor and who suffered horrible abuses. Four orphans and one young woman who suffered abuse saw God’s Love in the support of their living and school expenses. ACM pastors worked with partner agencies in Tanzania to begin creating dairy herds, agroforestry education farms, and water projects. These farms will be used to educate students in agroforestry (carbon neutral) farming techniques, and support students with food and fresh water in underserviced schools in rural Tanzania. “All the time, God is good.”


God is working through Christians in Canada to make Himself known. Pause a moment and consider this: God has used you in this way and in this work. In you, God has made His Love known and through you that Love was shared.


As we approach 2021, I am amazed and so grateful to be witness to all God is doing in and through you. Many in society will speak of hard times and uncertainty – yet Christians cannot help but rise up and sing Hallelujah, even now!! We see eternal goodness in these times and know God is sovereign, even now!! And though many speak of darkness, we see the Light, even now!!


In your faithful support of this essential commission, God’s Love is revealed. Because of you, hope is known. 2020 was a time of reaffirming the ACrossMission commitment to serving God in this difficult mission field. Knowing that you gather in support of this work, we walk boldly into any trials and turmoil to speak Truth and Love to God’s people. Thank you for walking boldly with us into 2021.


Thank you for sharing and supporting this joy-filled work. God is good!


Be blessed,



WhatsApp Image 2020-07-05 at 1.00.24 PM.
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