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Put away the weapons

2nd day of Advent December 4th, 2017 Micah 4:1-5

"They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore."

As Christ followers, we live in Hope. We are told the challenges we see and suffer are passing away. We are told God's Love will define our future. We look forward to lives of justice, equality and sufficiency that are only achieved when the good news of God is known, when God is truly loved and when we truly love each other. It is an awesome Hope.

But then, we look up from our Bible. In contrast to that Hope we see the chaos we live in. We listen to the news that is dominated by death, suffering and injustice. And we pray "Come Lord Jesus come." We yearn for God to make all things right; to make all things new again.

But what about today? Today we hold onto the truth that we are living in times of pain that lead to unimaginable heaven. Scripture often compares this to the birthing of a happy child - the labour pains now should not and cannot be denied. Soon though, the child is born; Love overwhelms us, and those pains pass.

Micah lived chaos. He wrote the passage we ponder today while Jerusalem was surrounded by hordes of enemy troops. God is faithful he tells us. The pains will end. Ploughs and garden tools will be needed not swords and spears.

Since Micah wrote this we have known the gift of Jesus. God stepped into human history. He showed us Love. He showed us that human brokenness will push-back against Love. Yet Jesus taught us as He walked among the chaos that even in the push-back we can Love God and we can Love all other people. In word and deed, Jesus taught the Gospel, the good news of God.

Now Jesus urges you to look up, see the light. Have hope. Bravely love just as He Loves.

Be blessed

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